

Jakob Maul Str. 17

64732 Bad König-Zell


VAT: DE 111 641 507

to the manufacturer's sustainable products

download declaration of honour

to the manufacturer's website 
Download company certificates here:  IS014001  RO AWARD

Sustainable out of conviction

Jakob Maul GMBH. Environmental Protection; sustainable and out of conviction.
Located in the countryside it goes without saying that sustainable dealings are part of our codex. From the idea until the recycling our quality officers examine every inch of the whole production to see where there is room for ecological improvement.
The integral production processes are emission-free.
We also comply in full with stringent European and German requirements, e.g. ROHS, REACH, WEEE, BattV, VerpackV and several more.

All plastics are cadmium-free and belong to the group of unreinforced thermoplastics, the most recycling-friendly group of plastics.
Scrap materials from the production process are mainly grounded down.
For all our metals we use a renowned separation and recycling process.

Scrap from the production process is collected and recycled. A major part of the materials used, can be recycled.
98% of the boards of the Whiteboard serie 2000 MAUL Pro, can be recycled.
In addition, many materials contain a high percentage of recyclable parts, e.g. the joints or the steel surfaces.

We do this and a lot more because we are convinced of this being the correct procedure. We handle everything with care and adhere to sustainable values.
When you buy a MAUL product you know that the environment was not unnecessarily burdened, for sure.